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IMG_1047Sometimes when I see isolated huts built on a mountain range, I just feel like I should be a kaypoh and go in to see what on earth humans do in desolate places like these.

The tour guide says that the Chinese government has a lot of trouble keeping the population of the Yi tribe, who live in the area, in check. The first difficulty is that the people of the Yi tribe are rather nomadic and they move so often, it is difficult to track them.

In their defence, the people of the Yi tribe tell the government that since the officials don’t bother to run electricity to their homes, they have no other form of entertainment at night.

So they do what comes naturally when lonely, oppositely sexed humans do when they happen to be alone with each other in the night without their handphones. I can just see it.

Yi man and woman staring at each other after fifteen minutes of candle-lit silence.
Yi man: Getting dark.
Yi woman: Yes.
Yi man: …
Yi woman: …
Yi man: I think I want to fuck you.
Yi woman: Okay.

  1. Hi Sanjeev. The link in this post pointed to an old voirsen of the widget. The download of the latest voirsen can always be found on the home page ( avoid this problem in the future, I’ve disactived the download link in this post, and added a notice at the top.

  2. jajajaja, Míriam, tienes razón, nos estan dando calabazas por todos los flancos!!! no te tires de los pelos, que en el fondo nos gusta!!! jajajajaOye, tu creación de lo mas interesante, nos apuntamos a cenar a tu casa, hace?

  3. ” 문어”is “octpus” so I suspect their translate with intentionally this record.Actually there are legendary creature caled 鮫人(kind of snake-like marmaid) in china , which is crawded creature. Maybe “é­°é­š” implies this.It is appear that it implies Sealion(or Seals)s and It has written “可支魚”.

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