One night (stand) in Lijiang

BarIn the evenings, the city takes on a very different look. They say that in Lijiang, it is entirely common for one night stands, because this is one of those places where young men and women who have just broken up tend to collectively agglomerate. IMG_1982The streets teem patrons chilling in bars and pubs in the night. It is said that in Lijiang, a person seeking for comfort, may just have to sit alone in the bar and he will find ‘comfort’ will seeking him. barIMG_1967I personally can’t vouch for it, but my Chinese colleague had no problems chatting up the ladies in the area. It was one of those times I wish I had a better command of my mother tongue. IMG_1918A tea house in Lijiang. Drum girlAt practically every street, the guitar and drum melody of a type of acoustic music will fill the air, lending itself to a very relaxed atmosphere. Sometimes the music is live, and the female drummers as enchanting as the beats they produce. IMG_1916I’ve always wondered what women talk about in the absence of men. When I was younger, I would crane my ears to eavesdrop on girls chatting away in the public buses. I never could catch anything. IMG_1929 Food looks amazing sometimes, but most nights we were already so full of it, we could only appreciate its aesthetics. IMG_1931Bee larvaeThe huge white cob you see on the left is full of writhing bee larvae. The cook plucks them out from their hives and deep fries them into crisp before serving them. IMG_1989Oh and one more thing.

You know when someone tells you that the more horrible a dish looks, the better it tastes?

Don’t ever believe it.

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